It was then that I saw the note taped to the side of the box.

Turning my attention back to the box, I reached down to pick up my little 10 lb rescue. Placing her on the sidewalk, she tottered a bit but managed to walk almost the length of the sidewalk. The rest of my Sunday was spent rocking "Baby" wrapped in her "Winnie the Pooh" blanket that was in the box with her and thinking about what to do. I really did not need to think very much about whether or not I would keep her. Somehow there was an instant connection that felt like she needed us and we needed her. And so . . . . . . dental surgery to fix her teeth made her so much happier. . . . good nutrition including raw foods (veggies in the food processor and raw eggs, meat, yogurt . . . . . glucosomine for her arthritic body . . . . love from her new family including Kita the cat (who has declared herself Baby's protector), Joey the dog - who took a while but now loves her as much as everyone else. The result? A healthy happy Baby who can now RUN the length of the sidewalk and climb three steps on her own!
She even made the Cincinnati enquirer:

We had hoped to hear from Baby's previous owner. I can only hope and pray that he knows how much she is loved and that she is doing fine. In the meantime, Baby is the local celebrity - when we are out walking, people roll down their car windows and call "Is that Baby" Yes, it is and she is doing just fine, thank you very much!!!!
Hi Sandi ~ I'll come back to read this post...but I just finished reading "The Man Who Couldn't Talk" and I really don't want to read anything else for a while and I was so moved by it. When I tried to leave a comment, I couldn't - I guess the time limit for leaving comments has run out. But it is such a moving story and so beautifully told, that I had to make a comment somewhere.
ReplyDeletethank you